california rest in peace
Yup, here's the old ncc stuff i stockpiled over the years. Some stuff is still missing and the uniform has long been chucked away into another desolate corner of my cupboard. But nevertheless, my days in ncc have thought me several good virtues, namely: punctuality, neatness, discipline and respect for authority. Though this uniform group is really a bit screwed up, it does have its pros. But I still won't recommend it to any sec 1.
This is what is left of my cat high uniform. 2 buttons are missing and several rings have been borrowed by my younger brother. I repolished the badge and name tag for this shoot. Sometimes I wonder why my batch was given green name tags. If you ask me, I would have prefered red tags because they look cooler yup.
I also managed to dig up about 20 RJC badges. Here, my only RI badge rests in a "sea" of RJC badges. Personally I prefer the RI badge because the RJC one looks too tall and bulky. THe RI one is small and compact, which makes it easier to pin onto my uniform.
I've mugged everything for A levels last year...
All this clearing and diggind up of old class photos made me think of the time when I came into RI last year. I was a freshman while the others were all veterans of RI lifestyle. I came in with no idea who everyone was and I felt that I had to start all over again. I left Cat high with all my friends behind. The people around me had already organized themselves into their various lower sec cliques and I was left alone in the bus to obs with everyone around me joking about their lower sec lives. Apart from that, I had to catch up with the rest of them as they had been given assignments to do during the holidays which I had no idea about. I struggled trying to fit in, finally finding company with some ex-2h people and bonded with some 4h-ians as well. I'm just glad to have survived the ordeal of starting over again.
Okay i hope my blog is becoming a bit more interesting haha.